Friday, January 11, 2013


Welcome to my blog, where everything is special. And different. 

And it's Throwback Friday.

On first look, you could label this blog as a wanna-be Pinterest, 
but it's so much cooler than that. Let me tell you why.

I come up with an original idea. 

Something I want to create, whether for myself or others. This idea rolls around in my mind for a long period of time. I think about it every once in a while, and every time I do it gets better.
More inclusive. More complete. 

Eventually, the idea comes exploding out of me.

I create.

This Christmas, I chose to create a wall hanging for a great family that I have come to know,

The Wilson's.

They have lived in several places across the country. 
Naturally, a piece mapping all of these places seemed like an appropriate gift.

 Here's how it started. Cool, right?

I found some awesome, old, weathered pallets in the corral and went 
to work measuring, cutting, and sanding them to perfection. 

Well, artistic perfection. 

The map itself came next. I printed an outline of the United States, taped it onto the wood, and easily filled it in.


 The next step involved making sure this piece would stay together!

My friends at Home Depot supplied me with brackets and hangers. 

Love those friends..

Chris and Abby supplied me with the cities
where their family had lived, and Google Maps
helped me find them.

Still not sure whether I got
all of the cities correct,

but hey. 

It's the thought that counts.

All that was left was to package it, and ship it off to its new home in Louisiana. 

I heard it arrived safely, and now hangs in the Wilson home. 

I love Christmas.

OKAY all, Throwback Friday is over. All over. 

Look forward to this tradition every Friday!

Actually... probably don't. We all know I'll forget about it. 

(my favorite past time)

Junior Year.

Is this real? Am I seriously old enough to be in my junior year of college?


Last week, I worked on putting my room 
together in my new apartment. 

I love finding (or more often making) decorating 
items to fill space efficiently, and stylistically.

This year's theme? Bright, but not bubbly. Feminine, but not girly. Peaceful, but not traditional. And, of course, a theme that represents me.

 It began with these innocent looking circles. 
Okay, so it really began with these cute animals that Chris helped me cut out. 
What a nice guy he is.

I decided to have all the major animal groups represented. 
You know. 
Land, air, water, cats. Perfect.

In the end, I'm really happy

with this set up. I finally

get to display my tea cups and


Admittedly, it looks like a child lives here. 
Or at least a cute 12 year old. 

I'm 21. Nbd.

--a few of my favorite things--